Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Campaign Thoughts

I've been building up ideas and treasure parcels for a sequel to a Campaign called Sword of Seprpents that I've been running on-and-off now for about seven or so years. The campaign started using Dungeons & Dragons Second Edition and evolved to Third edition, but the sequel will be done in Fourth Edition. See Serpent Campaign in the sidebar to the right for more details.

A blog by Greywulf has an interesting blog called Confessions of a Lazy DM (http://blog.microlite20.net/tag/lazygm/), but I don't see his ideas as "Lazy" per say, I see them as creatively efficient. I use quite a number of these "Lazy" techniques myself because I feel that a good in depth background, story, and descriptive world building are more deserving of my time than building encounters. A good combat is important, but shouldn't be a place where lots of time is burned away when you could be creating a nasty memorable villain or some incredible backdrop where the encounter will take place.